Association Memberships
National and international framework
STIEBEL ELTRON is heavily involved in association work. STIEBEL ELTRON works with other companies both nationally and internationally to develop standards and set the framework for policy making and technical developments. Participation in the associations enables close communication and a high exchange of information between the market players.
BDH – Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. [German association for the building services, energy and environment industry]
The BDH represents the economic, technological and political interests of its members. The BDH comprises 103 industrial companies and two associated organisations. The companies in the BDH manufacture supply equipment with a focus on heating technology. The member companies offer complete building system solutions for heat generation, heat distribution and heat transfer and DHW heating. Members of the BDH are primarily medium-sized businesses, as well as international market leaders with a turnover of up to 3 billion euros. Their systems and products are at the forefront of global technological advances with respect to their energy efficiency, reliability and safety.
BEE – German Renewable Energy Federation [Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e. V.]
In its role as an umbrella organisation, the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) coordinates the individual activities of the German renewable energy associations with respect to policy and public relations. Over 30,000 individual members and companies belong to BEE constituent associations. The BEE has been the voice of the renewables sector for 25 years. The central purpose of the federation is to improve the statutory framework for renewable energies and to help them achieve precedence over other energy sources. Any organisation, society or association that supports the objectives of this organisation, and has the same aim of promoting renewables, can become a member.
BWP – Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V. [German association for the heat pump industry]
The BWP represents the interests of the heat pump sector along the entire value chain. This includes contractors, drilling companies, prefabricated house suppliers, architects, design engineers, energy consultants, wholesalers, heat pump manufacturers, suppliers and power supply utilities. The BWP lobbies for better framework conditions in relation to heat pumps, at both national and European level. Its objectives include ensuring that heat pumps are given due consideration in the drafting of all new legislation, subsidy programmes for renewables, and practical standards and guidelines.
EHPA – European Heat Pump Association
The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) represents the interests of the European heat pump industry. Its members include both heat pump and component manufacturers, as well as research institutes, universities, test labs and energy agencies. The aim is to further promote heat pump technology in the European market for residential, commercial and industrial applications. The EHPA provides technical and economic information for European, national and regional authorities and institutions in the fields of legislation, regulation and energy efficiency. All its activities are aimed at overcoming existing market barriers in order to strengthen the market development of heat pumps for heating, cooling and DHW heating.
Electrical brands. Strong partners.
The "Electrical brands. Strong partners." initiative involves 17 leading brand manufacturers and provides a platform for the exchange of expertise and methods to maintain high quality standards for which the German electrical industry is renowned. This is based, not least, on an unbeatable range of high quality products and services for the electrical trade.
The aim is to increase brand awareness. Because brand values such as quality, reliability, performance, innovation, design, safety and service determine the success or failure of a project. And this, ultimately, has a significant impact on customer satisfaction.
EVIA – European Ventilation Industry Association
The European Ventilation Industry Association (EVIA) represents the ventilation industry, both in Brussels with the institutions of the European Union and in the Member States through its national partners. The EVIA wants to be a platform for all relevant stakeholders in Europe to deal with all issues regarding ventilation. The EVIA aims to promote high efficiency ventilation applications throughout Europe. The primary focus here is on aspects of health and convenience. Good indoor air quality is critical when it comes to comfort levels and human health. EVIA takes the approach that the ventilation sector can make a significant contribution to achieving Europe's energy efficiency goals. Heat recovery ventilation systems can prevent heat loss in buildings and thus significantly improve the overall energy rating of a building.
HEA – Fachgemeinschaft für effiziente Energieanwendung e. V. [professional community for efficient use of energy]
The HEA is the industry association for the energy sector. The HEA professional community is supported by the umbrella associations of the BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e. V.) [German association for the energy and water industry], the ZVEI, and the trade's top organisations, the ZVEH (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke) [German association for electrical and information technology trades] and the ZVSHK (Zentralverband Sanitär, Heizung, Klima) [association for plumbing, heating and air conditioning]. The membership is comprised of energy supply companies and companies in the electrical industry. Efficient use of energy is the main focus of the HEA association's work. The HEA professional community aims to spread this forward looking and industry-wide message to its customers. Continual technological developments and the discovery of new sales fields will prepare the market environment for efficient energy services and a high quality customer approach. The aim of the HEA professional community is to foster closer links with customer, in other words, to put product value, the effectiveness and efficiency of appliances and systems as well as sustainability at the forefront.
The better living initiative
The better living initiative [Initiative GutesWohnen] is a cross sector alliance made up of leading companies from the construction industry and established research institutes, whose common belief is that energy efficiency and quality of living go together. Quality of living is largely determined by thermal comfort, daylight, good sound insulation and the right amount of ventilation. By integrating these factors, modernisation and redevelopment practices in Germany should improve.
LEE NRW – Association for Renewable Energies in NRW [Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW e. V.]
The Association for Renewable Energies in NRW (LEE NRW) is the lobby group for renewables in North Rhine-Westphalia. The LEE NRW is committed to making North Rhine-Westphalia a strong economic centre, where successful businesses and environmental sustainability practices work to mutual benefit. The aim, therefore, is to establish an energy supply that is based completely on renewables by 2050. This is the only way to create good livelihoods for the local population and protect the environment, whilst simultaneously maintaining and sustaining NRW as an attractive location for energy and industry.
ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie e.V. [central association for the electrical and electronics industry]
The ZVEI represents the economic, technological and environmental interests of the German electrical industry at a national, European and international level. It provides specific information about the economic, technical and legal framework for the electrical industry in Germany.
The ZVEI promotes the development and use of new technologies through policy proposals on research, technology, environmental protection, education and science. It supports market-oriented, international standardisation work. ZVEI's close contact with government and public administration, as well as the association's internal exchange of ideas, produces comprehensive information about market and competition developments tailored to the specific needs of the electrical industry.