From vacant building to investment property

Even older real estate is full of possibilities. This has been demonstrated to especially impressive effect by a modernisation in Hanover. The apartment building in Schaufelder Strasse not only gained an additional storey but was also transformed from a vacant structure in need of renovation into an appealing and profitable property through efficient improvement measures. Proof, if it was needed, that there is still strong demand for attractive living space in urban locations.

The building project

The focus of the modernisation of the building reconstructed after World War II lay on improving energy efficiency by way of an innovative financing concept. The building envelope was first insulated to passive house standards to meet the general requirements for an efficient energy supply. This included installing 22 cm of insulation and minimising thermal bridges as well as the mandatory upgrading of the windows to triple glazing.

As the heat pumps use the solar energy contained in groundwater as heating energy, they further reduce the energy costs. With nature’s support, such pumps can generate almost 4 kWh of heat from 1 kWh of electricity. In this property, that means the two heat pumps produce 82 MWh of effective heating energy from 22 MWh of electricity on an annual basis.

Technology used: LWZ ventilation system with heat pump and WPW water source heat pump

These measures lowered heating energy demand from 230 kWh per square metre and year to a smart 15 kWh, creating the best conditions for the use of state of the art heat pump technology. Heat is now generated with renewables by means of two separate water source heat pumps, which together use a well system as an energy source. The 13 kW heat pump with a low flow temperature feeds the underfloor heating systems, while the 18 kW unit supplies the installed radiators with heating water at 55/45 °C.